At the Bachelor and Master intro, we were present to promote our association, allow some soon-to-be students to experience table tennis and offer them a chance to see if they like the sport. Below, you can find some pictures for the Green Strip Market, City tour and workshops in the Bachelor Intro week, as well as the Information market in the Master Intro week. We would also like to thank all members that helped us during these days: we couldn’t have done it without you!
Our stand at the Flux field on Tuesday.
Students playing at the Green Strip Market on Tuesday.
Students playing at the Green Strip Market on Tuesday.
Students playing at the Green Strip Market on Tuesday.
Students visiting the sports centre on Wednesday’s city tour.
Students visiting the sports centre on Wednesday’s city tour.
Students visiting the sports centre on Wednesday’s city tour.
The “Around the table” game proved to be especially popular.
The “Around the table” game proved to be especially popular.
On Thursday, new students could get an impression of our trainings during the workshops.
Our trainer Hans gave students some tips and tricks.
Some of our members are performing a demo for the audience.
Our trainer Hans giving students some tips and tricks
Students participating in workshops on Thursday.
Some of our members performed a demo for the audience.
Some of our members performed a demo for the audience.
At the master intro, we also got quite some attention.
At the master intro, we also got quite some attention.
At the master intro, we also got quite some attention.
At the master intro, we also got quite some attention.
At the master intro, we also got quite some attention.